
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

5 Minute Shrug (DWWYG Project)

So much fun, girls!  This project actually took less then 5 minutes...and you all know I'm no seamstress.  It was really fun to make and I've actually worn this one several times since it was finished.  It is {I think} more flattering then the first one, and easier to wear because it fastens closed.

(Sorry the jacket is a little crocked in the 4 year old photographer didn't tell me. {smile}

First thing, I want to confess that I didn't think this up by myself.  I goggled t-shirt redo's and I found it somewhere in blogworld.  I would link you there, but I can't  do that.  She also had some other pictures on there that I don't want linked to my blog because I want to protect the "wholesomeness" of my space.  I don't wish to have anything on my blog that is unpleasing to my Lord.  That being said, I hope you can figure out my tutorial.  

Want to know how I did mine?  This is one I'm making for a certain little princess.

Step #1  Pick a cute fitted t-shirt.  Make a complete cut all the way down the front center.  

Step #2 Cut off the finished neckline.

Step #3 Turn shirt completely inside out.  Fold back a hem starting at the bottom of the shirt going all around the neckline and back down the other side.

Step #4 Start sewing your hem.
Side Note: I wondered whether to cut a smooth line, or try to fold the neckline corner and sew it kinda messy.  DON'T CUT IT!  Especially if you are making a ladies shrug.  It will help it lay better and be fuller....for those of you out there with fuller fronts.  {smile}

Step #5 Use the old safety pin trick and tread some pretty string all through the hem.  

TaDa!!!  Princess Alexis's cute shrug is complete!  Notice how the neckline lays fine even though I didn't cut it straight?

I made this cute Fancy Nancy fabric flower to "girlie" it up.
Here is another really easy flower you could pin on.  I just took a silk flower apart and then put some of the petals back on with a diamond {scrapbook} brad.  So fast and easy.  

I'm thinking when I go back to the States I'm gonna buy the princesses some cheap long sleeve shirts and make these as little jackets.  I think it will be perfect since all they have is short sleeve or sleeveless!  I'm so excited about the cool Missouri Autumn!  {unsuppressed girlie squeal!}  Maybe instead of flowers on them I'll make some sort of changing leaves or pumpkins....hum.  I'm gonna have to think about that.    I'd love, love, love to hear your ideas? 

Hope you enjoy this!

(22 (!!!) week baby bump.)



  1. Maria..this is so it bad that I don't like to get out my sewing machine tho? lol...I may have to..what a great project! :)

  2. I love this project. I have been sewing some culottes this morning and I am ready to go through some drawers to find a tee so I can make one. I think you should sell these things and make you some money. Thank you so much for sharing. By the way, I LOVE the baby bump. It is sooo cute.

  3. This is so smart!! I am going to try it!


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