
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Give Me a Doughnut..and Nobody Gets Hurt!

One of my biggest pregnancy symptoms is .....indecision!  
I know it doesn't sound very rough, but it is a big problem when you are packing suitcases for 5 people.  
Is this material to thin to wear there?  
How many pairs of shoes will they need?
Should I pack shampoo or just buy more when I get there?
What about..?   Where should this...?  

AHHHHHH!  I seriously need a doughnut right now!  Then I'd have to decide what flavor I wanted?  Another problem.   Oh, who am I kidding I want one of each!

I keep dragging the suitcases from room to room...actually I'm not sure why.  Maybe because I can't decide which room to pack in?  {Sigh}  I want a doughnut so bad I can smell them!

Ok, break time!  I'm going outside to check on the princesses.  Why don't you come soon as I decide which flip flops to wear.
After following the giggles I found this!

Alexis tells Eden to jump and she would catch her.
Eden says that she doesn't trust Alexis.
Looking for lizards around the banana trees.

Trusty Drago never far away.
I'm distracted easily.  The clouds looked so pretty, 
so I climbed up on the roof to get a clear picture.
Some greeted me on the stairs back down.
This tree is so great for climbing.  I told the princesses that it is a perfect place 
to hide from "bad guys" because it is so thick 
you really can't see them when they are in it.
Alexis peeking out the top.

That little jaunt around the yard was just what I needed.  Since I can't go get a doughnut, I guess I'll go hit the suitcases again.

I have an idea!  Maybe I'll just zip them up and call it finished!  The more room I leave in the suitcases...the more I can bring back....{smile}....I have BIG plans.

p.s. Don't forget my giveaway ending Friday night.  Prince bought me a {very tempting} 1 pound bag of Blue Mountain Coffee home.


  1. Will yu have someone house sitting for you while you are gone?

    Your girlies look so cute matching. My daughters love to do that.

  2. Your girls are so cute & funny! Will you be coming to FBC Wayland at all when you're "home"?


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