
Monday, October 4, 2010

Perming in the Parlor

Thursday, September 30, 2010
A walk in my flip flops today?  Well?  
Prince and I loaded up our little princesses and headed for my Grandma’s farm, near Queen City, Missouri.

Prince did all his manly stuff know....changing the oil, using the riding lawnmower....etc.  
Gram and I turned on some pretty music in her kitchen and transformed it into a beauty parlor.  Gram needed a perm in her hair and she thought I could do it.  Such faith.  With a deep breath, I put on a shaky smile and gave it my best shot.  I have done perms, in her hair several times before, but it’s been a few years.  I took my time, and we had lots of time to reminisce, laugh hard, and bare our souls to each other.  My Gram is a hero of mine.  Sometime I will share with you her storybook romance.  The story about how she met the handsome brown-eyed sailor I called Papa.  {truly happily-ever-after}
The princesses ran around outside breathing the free Missouri air.  
(Eden and her boots)

(Alexis Nicole)

(Prince Charming)

(I never tire of getting handed weeds....they are so precious.  Thank you, Eden Grace!)

(Eden discovering some forgotten heehaw shoes.)

(Moriah Jean)

(I know this one is blurry, but her laugh is so fun.)

Making memories in Missouri,

1 comment:

  1. How fun and...from the sounds of it, we're not very far from where you are dwelling these days (literally)!!! :o) The experiences you are relishing in are simple pleasures we daily take for granted! Thanks for the reminder and how unfortunate that we couldn't meet up in person!?!



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