
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Piano Music on a Cushioned Pew

Sunday, Sept 26, 2010
I’m a little ashamed to admit, but I was really expecting to find the song service in America boring after being in Jamaica.  {blush}
The song services in Jamaica are so heart felt to me.   Trust me... you might be hot, sweaty and swatting mosquitos but it will make you happy.  I don’t think there is a Christian, that truly loves the Lord, who could listen to the voices raised and not praise the Lord right along with them.  You wouldn’t even have to know the words.  
As usual, my fears had no feet.  Today, I sat on the comfortable squishy church pew.  I looked around the beautiful, clean sanctuary.  There wasn’t one mosquito in sight and the a/c was so perfect... I was freezing.   I was filled with such a surge of joy.  The piano music started (one of the first ones I’ve heard in almost a year) and the congregational hymns were sang.  It was beautiful. I tried not to smile to large....for fear I’d look like some goofball.  But, I’m so thankful for what my Lord does for {very undeserving} me.


1 comment:

  1. I know this is a very belated response to your post, but when I first read it I wasn't able to comment. Now I have the time and connection. :-)

    When we went back for our "baby furlough" last year it was very near Christmas. Our church choir sang the Halelujah Chorus. I sat in my seat and cried. I'm sure I don't have to explain it all to you, but I was super embaressed!

    I wanted you to know that you're not the only missionary wife who's emotions go crazy when they get to see/hear the worship back stateside!


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