
Monday, February 14, 2011

Alexis's Pet Seahorse

Yes, it's real!

If you asked me if my kids are "missing out" on anything 
because they don't live in America, I would answer, "nope."
I understand their experiences and lifestyle is different 
then American kids, 
but they are having a great childhood.   
How many kids do you know with a pet seahorse?
Princess Alexis is my horse lover.  
She has loved horses since she was very tiny.
She wants to grow up and own a horse ranch.  
Alexis knows what colors of horses she wants 
and even the names of some.
She plans on buying a horse for all the people in her family 
and taking care of them for us. {so sweet}

I've explained to her thousands of times why we can't have a horse.
Lately I've resorted to telling her, {over and over}

"Stop asking mommy for one and start praying for one."

If you think that God doesn't hear little princess's prayers... 
just ask my kids.

Memaw was watching the princesses for us the other day 
and Prince and I went down the hill to go to the beach.
I was sitting on the sand 
as Josh snorkled around looking for some fish for our tank.
He was a ways off, around a long dock, 
and I noticed when he came up, 
a group of people came over to see what he had.
He motioned for me to come over and see.  
He has been talking about eels {shudder....shuddder....shuddddder}
so I hollered at him as I waded over 
"it had better not be an eel in the net!"
I was shocked to see a little seahorse!
So amazing.
He (or she) likes to wrap it's little tail around things 
and it really enjoys this sunken ship.
God is so good,

1 comment:

  1. That is really neato!!!! i also have loved horses ever since i was little!

    I am praying for you and your family! :)


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