All because a little raindrop.
Because a little raindrop fell from the clouds...
a little girl's ears perked up.
Because of a little raindrop...
momma pushed the school books aside and dug for
3 bright little umbrellas.
Because a little raindrop...
three little princesses hurried to find their shiny rubber boats.
Because a little raindrop...
three little princesses {clomp...clomped...}
out the door with an excited scurry.
Because a little raindrop...
the yard was filled with girlie giggles
and funny little rain jigs.
{love} sisters
Some people at church call it the drought season.
Since returning from furlough it's only rained twice and
then only for about 5 minutes.
Our grass is all dried up and crunchy.
And the garden has to be watered
to even coax a few vegetables out.
Until yesterday {!!!!!} we woke up to dark rain clouds
and the glorious patter of rain on our roof!
Thank you, Lord!
Love the boots! They sure could use th here! Lots and lots of rain'