
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Ladies Prayer Towels

For a few months now I've tried to think of a creative idea for the ladies in our Church to remember to pray for each other.  I came up with Prayer Towels.

Last Sunday each family brought a little food to share before we had our baby shower for Baby Tariq.  I had encouraged each lady to bring a dish towel with their food.   Not a fancy or brand new towel, but one that you've touched, used, worked with.  Before we all left I put all the towels in a box and we each drew one out.

The idea is to take home the dish towel and USE IT.  Wash dishes, dry dishes, wipe the countertops, clean with it.  While using each others towels we have a little reminder to pray for that towel's owner, each other, and our Church.

"... The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."  James 5:16b


  1. Love that idea~! I want to do something like that with our ladies here!

  2. Maria~

    What a lovely idea! So simple & kind. Please share this at my {} blog bash.


    Drop by & Visit {The Tattered Tag}

  3. ...another really great idea!!

    Bless you.

  4. What a lovely group of ladies! I love this idea! We only have 4 ladies in our church (yeah, we are VERY small!) but see no reason why we can't do this! Thanks so much for the inspiring idea! God bless you and your family!

  5. what a wonderful idea! i've never heard of this before, but what an amazing way to remember to include our friends in our thoughts and prayers.

  6. What a brilliant idea! It's something that we come across and put to use many time each day... an ever present reminder. And then each would know that someone else was being reminded of them and praying for them just as often. Beautiful!

  7. Love this idea! I'll have to use it someday! :)

  8. What a FABULOUS idea!! I just "Pinned" this to my board to share with other Women's Ministry leaders.


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