
Saturday, August 24, 2013

who fed the chickens marshmallows?

just a lazy day.  
I know the busy routine of school work will start Monday. So we took a lazy day and enjoyed the strong breezes in the yard.  
 ignoring the dirty dishes and dusty floors we spent time reading storybooks 
going for wagon rides


 a little bit of tears....and a little bit of story swapping

"overall it was a relaxing day"  John Truman, 8 m.

...and it all ended with mama's voice {filling the neighborhood} yelling, "who fed my chickens marshmallows?!?!?!" 
 They did seem to enjoy them though.  Except the girls didn't like the sticky-ness on their beaks.  They kept trying to wipe them off in the grass.  I wonder if their eggs will be a little sweeter?
humm...I wonder who the culprit is?
all the pictures today were taken by Princess Moriah {my big girl}

p.s.  Brynlee does wear clothes off and on throughout the day..honest.


  1. Dishes and chores can wait. Your children creating lasting memories are priceless. Blessings

  2. enjoy the time with your kids! it will be a lot more worth it in the end!

  3. You might have already been asked this but now that you have your boy are you going to have more still or were you just going till you got a boy too.


My Mom always says, "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all."

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