
Friday, October 11, 2013

Acorn Owls {art project}

give the girl a piece of cardboard and a glue gun and she'll occupy herself for hours!
 I recently returned to the States for 13 days to attend my Grandmother's funeral and spend some healing time with my parents and siblings...and their young-in's.  My sister Jessica brought her 4 kiddos to stay at our parents house so I wouldn't get lonely for little girls.  She has 3 girls and a baby boy.  Eva,  Gigi, and I did a fun project one windy day and it turned out great.  We went on a search around Papa's house for acorns....found a big ol' copperhead.  Next story.

Side note: Aunt Maria can pack 2 kids and run at an amazing speed through a brushy Ozark Mountain woods.  Auntie Maria is terrified of snakes.  I can handle me any spider, rat, lizard, stingray....even throw in a couple barracuda and I don't get to worked up.  But if you drop a wiggly fishing worm in my path I stop breathing! It's unBiblical to be "ok" with serpents.  I promise you.  I read it!

Back to our project.
 We collected acorns and with the help of Grandma's trusty glue gun and a little felt we made wings, feet and little beaks.  No matter how old or young you eyes are da' bomb.  Seriously they are cool.  I wish I'd invented them.
 We cut up a cracker box and each girl designed it individually.
The girlies talking in their "owl" voices was cracking me up.  Gigi's owl liked books and kept reading.  Eva's owl kept jumping on his bed and hiding on top of his book case.  {sweet memories}

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