
Sunday, September 18, 2011

make your own pinata

I've had a few people ask about the piñata I made for our Vacation Bible School.
It was my kids idea.  Little geniuses.
They wanted one really bad and so we decided to just make our own.  
Messy.  But, I'm not afraid of a should see my laundry room right now. {grimace}
I dumped a little flour into the bowl,
 then just added water until it was a really soupy, goupy mixture.
As I made different layers, I experimented with thicker and thinner.
Thicker works better.
opps, I didn't get a picture of the huge balloon.
Use your imagination....there was a BIG balloon.  
I clipped it on a clothesline....stretched across my front veranda. 
Cover the balloon except for the very top.
Let it dry completely, then add another layer.
I did 3 layers then I had to figure out some way to add the strings to hang it with.
I knotted my (light weight) rope in a big "x" and taped it on onto the balloon.
I put all the candy bags inside.
Then I added 2 more layers on top of that, 
leaving the rope sticking out the top to hang the piñata up.
not sure if this was the most "conventional way" to make a piñata, but it worked great for us.
I was really surprised how heavy and hard it was!
really a bowling ball!
I glued crete paper streamers on the outside to "fancy it up"!

Out of the big group of kids, only one had ever seen a piñata before.  So, needless to say, it was a big deal!  The all enjoyed it...the big and small.


  1. Such a fun project. Thank You for sharing
    Cheers from Bangalore ,India
    Dr Sonia S V

  2. What a great idea!!! Thanks for posting!

  3. What a fabulous and wonderful project!!! Everyone did a fabulous job!!! looks like the fruit of your labor was WELL ENJOYED!!!! thanks for sharing!


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