
Thursday, October 6, 2011

T' Time {#35}

Good morning everyone!  I have a sweet girl to introduce to you today!  Meet....Mary.

My Take the Time to Challenge guest today is another of my college girlies....I love keeping in contact with them all and seeing what everyone's doing.  I appreciate all of them taking the time to participate in my blog!   So here you go.....
" I am a wife and a mother of two handsome boys.  I spend most of my time babysitting in my home and taking care of my family. I feel unqualified to write for this blog because I know very little about raising princesses. I only have boys and I am the only girl with five brothers in my family.
      For the past couple of months I have had a scripture verse on my heart. This verse is Dueteronomy 6: 7 – “And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.”

Take the Time to Challenge #35 is.....
  Incorporate Scripture Verses.
     I know my kids learn verses and hear Bible stories at church. Then we have devotions at home, but I know we have a long ways to go before we are teaching God’s commandments and statues to our children diligently. So I am looking for ways to incorporate God’s word into our lives throughout the day.
   I have noticed that I am constantly telling my boys that what they are doing is “Not Nice”. I am working on changing this to that is “Not kind” and then telling them how the Bible teaches us to “Be kind one to another”. Then I try to praise them when they do things that are “kind” and tell them how happy that makes God.  So far I think all that Joel has caught from my efforts is, “The Bible says, NO BITE!!!”  (Which he tells to everyone)
   This is the project we worked on today.  We worked on our pre kindergarten skills and made a memory verse banner. 
Joel loved having his feet painted. He said it felt "tickley".
This is the first time James let me paint his feet.  
He doesn't like anything messy (he doesn't get that from me!)
Joel always has to get his lips involved when he's working.
putting on the finishing touches!
proudly displaying the finished project.

I would love to hear ideas from others as to how your incorporate Scripture verses in your everyday life.  Also I'm looking to buy or make framed Scripture verses for my house.  Let me know, if you know, of any great websites for this."

Thanks so much, Mary.  You're a great mom, this challenge is very convicting and inspiring to me!


  1. Such a precious post, Mary, and oh, so important to teach our children the scriptures. I love how you interacted with your kids to make that verse come to life. Way to go, girl!

    BTW, sweet Amy over at "Daily Pleasures" has KJV Scripture prints for sale... go check 'em out! (They are on her right sidebar).

  2. Such a precious post, Mary, and oh, so important to teach our children the scriptures. I love how you interacted with your kids to make that verse come to life. Way to go, girl!

    BTW, sweet Amy over at "Daily Pleasures" has KJV Scripture prints for sale... go check 'em out! (They are on her right sidebar). Here is her blog address:

  3. Love this post Mary! This is the most important thing we can teach our children! When we are learning the alphabet we learn a verse for each letter. But the most effective way (for my children at least) is through song. It is the biggest blessing to hear them in their rooms singing Scripture! It puts it in their head and their hearts. Keep up the great work!
    Chandra Horton

  4. Thanks Jolene, Im going to check it out right now!

  5. Great idea! Love the banner! Definitely need to do something like this with my babies!
    Thanks for sharing!

  6. Great challenge, Mary! We also have done the Scripture song thing. Seth has a little "radio" (brand called SweetPea) that you can download CD's onto. Then he can turn on his radio and play it anytime he wants. The CD's we got him are called Bible Songs for Kids. We order them from Majesty Music. They are KJV verses in song sung by children, and Seth plays those songs every single day! I think we all have them memorized by now!

  7. That verse has been on my heart lately as well. I absolutely love the banner idea. We will have to work on one. Jessi, at Joy Unspeakable, also shared an idea which we just started using. She had a mountain they climbed as they learned their verses and at the top a cookie. When they reached the top they made cookies together. She's now doing a train theme.

  8. Thanks girls for the ideas. I can not wait to try them!!


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