
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Hidden in the hollow

please pray for our family's protection
there is an important political election happening tomorrow
we heard many gunshots during the night
riots and such are expected 
so please, just say a prayer today.  
There is no safer place, then in the perfect will of God.

count your blessings
#129 the soothing comfort of the great, old hymns
#130 my guard dog, Drago sleeping outside my bedroom window
#133 the power of prayer


  1. Please know I am praying for safety, protection, and peace for your family and all those affected.

  2. I will pray for you are and your family.

    Keep reminding yourselves that God's hands indeed IS the safest place to be.

  3. Many prayers for you and your family. You are absolutely correct about "no safer place, than in the perfect will of God"

  4. Praying for you and your family, Maria, and passing on the prayer request!

  5. Thanks for letting us know! It is always good to know how to pray specifically for our missionaries.

  6. How we take things like peaceful elections for granted! Hope and pray all goes well!

  7. Praying for your family and also for those that live in your area. May there be peace and protection and comfort for your anxiety. I so love that hymn! Is the photo taken near to where you live? SUch natural beauty!


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