
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

T' Time {#47} and Link Party

Take the time to Challenge #47 is.....
stop right now... and tell someone close by that you appreciate them.
Try this, "Thank you so much for picking up your toys.  Mama is proud of you."
"Sweetheart, I appreciate you working hard to provide this nice home for us."
"Thank you for helping Mama dry the dishes.  Work goes so much faster when you work beside me."

Now it's your turn......who do you appreciate?

Most Clicked Links from last week were
This easy Chocolate Eclair Cake on Kristi's Recipe Box
Winter Quiet Book on Sweet C's Design

Have a Lovely Day, 


  1. An encouraging word or two can go a long way, thanks for hosting!

  2. thanks for hosting :) i enjoy your parties...

    happy tuesday!!!

  3. thanks so much for hosting! it's been a while, hasn't it? hope things are going well with you.


My Mom always says, "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all."

You're sugary, sweet comments mean so much to me!