
Friday, January 20, 2012

there was a family living far, far away

Once upon a time...
there was a family living far, far away on an Island
a strong man, his wife, and four sandy haired little girls.

Once upon a time...
 some loved ones back home got together and decided to send them a shipment of groceries
precious things like pop tarts, lysol wipes, bbq sauce, french cut green beans, butterscotch chips,
 mayo with olive oil.

Once upon a time...
 a humbled wife slipped away, fell to her knees and tearfully thanked God.

A little more tomorrow of how our {Awesome} God provides and takes care of us.

count your blessings
#165 chef boyardee...dinner in a can...someone is a genius
#166 chocolate chips, white chocolate chips, butterscotch chocolate chips, peanut butter chocolate chips
#167 tears of joy


My Mom always says, "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all."

You're sugary, sweet comments mean so much to me!