
Saturday, February 18, 2012

like best friends

is there one thing I can give you today to make you a better woman tomorrow?
so often I ponder this.
how am I doing, little princess?
some days mommy has a short fuse.
skinned up knees...rubber boots
giggles as you pushed each other around the yard (inside the giant plastic barrel)
just take one day at a time, little one.

count your blessings
#196 the comfortable feeling you have with someone you call a best friend
#197 feels so good to do it
#198 dirt.  pretty miraculous stuff.  it can make baby flowers


  1. Aw, I have a picture just like that of my older four girlies when Kimmy was a baby, except that they had little white sneakers on instead of mud boots. So sweet.

  2. I love that picture! Absolutely precious.


My Mom always says, "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all."

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