
Sunday, February 26, 2012

road trip?

when?  right now!
I love looking at all the amazing places around the globe (and pinning them in pinterest).

where shall we start?
Paris, France? yes. {swoon} any day of the week.
  just give me a beret and I'll sit in a side walk cafe.
want to go....!
Venice, Italy? how romantic is this?
we don't have to take a boat ride, if you don't want to.  I'd be happy sitting on a balcony.
castles in Germany?  actually, castles anywhere.  yes, please.
Neuschwanstein Castle, Bavaria, Germany
this home in Scotland?  very mysterious.  I hope there is a fireplace to curl up in front of.
Scotland...kinda creepy kinda mysteriously romantic
Manarola, Italy.  I love the colors.
want to go
Ireland.  I can hear the waves, can't you?
that was lovely, wasn't it?  Tell me where would you like to visit?

I have a wonderful giveaway starting tomorrow!  Hope to see you back!

1 comment:

My Mom always says, "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all."

You're sugary, sweet comments mean so much to me!