
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

{Valentine} T' Carol

I've received a lot of sweet comments about my Valentine guests
 and I'm so honored to have each of them.
  I'm excited to introduce to you Today's Take the Time to guest.
  Here you are ladies,
"Hello from a fairly warm snowy and cold Iowa!  My name is Carol VanderHart and I have been happily married for almost 23 years to my wonderful husband, Scott. He is an assistant/youth pastor and a very busy man! We have four children - three princesses ages 17, 13 & 10, and one prince, age 15. 

My husband is a very romantic guy and has made our marriage a lot of fun! One thing that is very special to both of us is taking time for just the two of us.
We home school our 4 children, so any chance I get to spend alone-time with my hubby, I grab at with both hands! Monday is his day off so we have made that our date day. It’s very exciting! We go for groceries and normally out for lunch!! I use to tease my folks about doing the exact same thing, but now I understand how very important it is to spend alone time together - away from the house! We normally don’t go anywhere too expensive to eat and if we decide we want to go somewhere really nice, lunchtime is normally cheaper! When your husband is as busy as mine, you need to take every chance you can get!

The one special thing we do at least once every other month is stay one night in a hotel. We have a credit card that we use for everything and it accrues points. So we are able to stay in a king suite (that sometimes has a Jacuzzi) for free! I love Choice Privileges! 

My T' Time Challenge is.... 
      Spend time together - without the kids.
It doesn’t have to be anything expensive. Just give him your time. My husband asks me to go to work at the church with him sometimes, just to be there with him! If he’s working on the car, he loves it when I go out and sit and hand him tools! It can be as simple as that! If you don’t have children in the house, you still need that time away from your home. We sometimes get in a rut with the daily routine. Make your time together special!

You need together time to keep your marriage strong!"

1 comment:

My Mom always says, "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all."

You're sugary, sweet comments mean so much to me!