
Thursday, March 8, 2012

the biggest cruise ship in the world

well, we live by the Sea.

Every Wednesday night, we drive along the Sea shore to church and we always watch for the cruise ships.  Seeing the giant boats all lit up is so cool and exciting and sparkling.  And kinda out of place from where we stand on the shore.

Every other week the biggest cruise ship in the world docks in the town of Falmouth, Jamaica.  This is about 25 miles from our home.  Prince surprised us on Tuesday and we drove to see it up close!  Well, not super close.  The cruise lines try to keep their paying customers away from us nationals.   Some brave adventurers cautiously venture out and explore the bustling, dirty town.  We tried to "blend in" as tourists and we walked around enjoying the contact with whities.
(yes, Princess Brynlee is wearing camo.  We REALLY looked like like tourists.)
Daddy bought a box lunch of friend chicken and french fries with ketchup and we all shared it.   It was a fun afternoon.  

One interesting thing I notice is the drastic change in the areas.  The cruise line bought the land around where it docks it boats.  They have drastically "prettied" it up.  They make it look like the tourists want it to.  They hire Jamaicans to work in their "authentic" looking shops and you think that you're getting the full Jamaican feeling by only being a few feet away from your safe boat.  It kinda turned my stomach.  It's deceptively commercialized, with the cruise lines benefitting greatly.  While life continues as always for those in the old buildings a few blocks away.
 (an interesting note: Falmouth had running water before New York City!)
When we left Falmouth we went to nearby Martha Brae and visited the missions work of Mack and Marilyn Locklear.  They are finished up work on an orphanage building.  Very exciting and interesting to see the work God is doing there. 
(Future home of Noah's Ark Orphanage)

Loving the Lord,


  1. That is so true Maria. That is the port we came to. We ventured out of the port, not because we're brave, just because we didn't know it would be any different. What a drastic change just a few feet made. It made me feel so sad for the Jamaican people. I'm glad y'all are there sharing Jesus with them. Keep up the good work! Bridgette

  2. That is so sad. I mean, fixing up an area is great, but then fencing it off from the locals...?


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