
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Losing your First Love?

During my quiet time this morning I was looking back through sermon notes I've gathered.  These are taken while at our home church in Baton Rouge.  Pastor Buchanan preached a sermon titled How Do You Lose Your First Love? and it spoke to me this morning.  I wanted to share some of his notes mingled with my humble thoughts.

How Do You Lose Your First Love?
Psalms 71:18, Revelation 2:2-6, Romans 8:16
1. Do you lose your first love because you're not working for God?   No
2. Do you lose your first love because you're not reading your Bible? No
3. Do you lose your first love because you're not praying? No
4. Do you lose your first love because you're not witnessing? No

These things are a product of losing it, but not the root.  The love of our "First Love" is lost when we lose our daily awareness of our need!

Maria-ology: Picture the children of Israel.  A mighty Sea billowing before them... the army of Egyptians fill the skyline with their glimmering swords.  A miracle working God opened the Sea for them to walk upon dry land.  Yet, they forgot Him when they forgot their need.

How is your love for the Lord today?  Nothing is, ever was, or ever will be as sweet as His love.

I  need Thee every hour,
(pictures are the sunflowers in my garden.)  Anyone have tips for drying sunflower seeds?


  1. Amen! What a great post. Love your photos and your thoughts. And am indeed grateful for the sweetness of His love!

  2. Very thought provoking. For so long here in America we have lost sight of our need for God because we have it all, all that is except for the most important thing, a relationship of true dependance on the very One who loves us, made us, and gave Himself for us.

    Your photos are brilliant in color and composition.


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