
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Ewkkkkk!!! Missionary Moment

Remember that monster slug I pictured on here a few weeks ago?
That creepy guy doesn't hold a candle to this dude.
I found him in my flower bed....right by my red rose bush.
Prince killed him with the weed eater.....
{evil chuckle ...buwhahahahah}!


  1. Eww. That is probably more disgusting than anything I have ever seen! Gives me the shivers just looking at it! :)

  2. God must give you such a special grace for all those creepy, slimy crawly things you face there.
    I am so NOT a bug person!

  3. I agree with Rachel, God must give you special grace! I am also not a bug person and can not imagine living with things like that!!!

  4. Wow! Now that is a bug! I don't think I have ever seen anything like that. My siblings would love to hold it, although I would most likely scream and run across the yard if I saw it looking at me! I don't like bugs that much! :)
    Hope your day is blessed by GOD.
    joy liz

  5. Ugh! A BUG! Again!

    Please tell us how you put words on your picture. I love that.


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