
Thursday, June 23, 2011

T' Time {#13}

Today's Take the Time To...  Guest is more fun then a barrel of monkeys!  Introducing Heather!

We didn't go to the same college, but if we would have I would have LOVED to have been her room mate.  Boy, would we have had the demerits!

We met while we were both traveling getting ready to leave as foreign missionaries, me to Jamaica and her to Argentina.  We were in several conferences together and my first thoughts of Heather include feeling that "she's just like a sister" love.  We had so much in common and she is so easy to talk to, plus, she makes me laugh so hard!  Stop by her blog Missionary Mama in the Making and show Heather a little love.
"Greetings from {waaaaay} down South! Living in Argentina, in the southern part of the Southern Hemisphere, gives a whole new meaning to the word “south” don’t ya think?! My husband Matt, daughter Clara {4}, and I moved here in Feb. 2009 and my son, Ethan, is our little Argentino, as he was born here in Feb. 2010. We are missionaries currently learning Spanish and adapting to culture and life here, while serving in the local church. Lord willing, in the near future we will be moving near the Andes Mountains, to Mendoza, Argentina, to start a church. We are excited about what the Lord is doing in our lives and are thankful to see His hand working on our behalf.

Facts about ME
I love the color RED and my Kitchen testifies to that!
When in doubt, eat ice cream!—that’s my motto! Mint Choc. Chip is preferred, but really any flavor will do the trick!
I can get thoroughly “lost” in a good book.
Gummy bears are the best! You can keep the chocolate.
I used to be a pretty good speller and grammar mistakes drive me NuTs, but this whole “learning another language” thing, is really messing me up! For ex: I cannot spell “photo” correctly the first time anymore, it always comes out “foto” J
What I wouldn’t give for a Dr. Pepper just about now…
I love crisp fall air, crunchy leaves beneath my feet and beautiful autumn colors all around me.
I adore my hubby and kiddos and thank God for everyday I have with them!
My “Take the Time To” Challenge is…
have fun with Sidewalk Chalk!

But I don’t mean just your kids--you too!!
If you haven’t noticed before, kids love it when we get involved with what they are doing!
Whatever they are doing is way more fun if Mom does it, too!

As a busy mom of 2 cuties I realize that between household responsibilities, like the never-ending mountain of laundry and overflowing sink of dishes, not to mention cleaning up spills, changing diapers, schooling, ministry projects, etc. etc. {Okay, just writing that list makes me tired!} we don’t always have time to take the kids to the park or anywhere. However, we can all make time to take them outside to get some fresh air and enjoy the beautiful sunshiny weather and let our “inner artist” come out and play. Some of you may be thinking {like me}, “What ‘inner artist’ and where is it hiding?!?!” But, hey we are just talking about chalk drawings on the sidewalk. It doesn’t have to be a da Vinci. Plus, your kids will think your drawing of a puppy, tree, heart, boat, whatever it may be, is a brilliant work of art! No one else has to see or know about your carefully hidden talent! {Shhhh…..I won’t tell either!} And besides, then they can show off their “masterpieces” to you, too!
Better yet, when you are done drawing your “pièce de résistance” { insert your best French accent here ;) }, draw a hopscotch game and play it with your little darlings. If your kids are small, like mine {4 &1} they may not fully grasp or really be able to play the game. But that doesn’t matter! You give them the basic idea and then they get to hop around like little bunny rabbits, as they make up their own version of hopscotch. What little kid doesn’t like to hop and jump and twirl around?! I know mine sure do!

I think the most important thing is that you are not just sending them outside to get them out of your hair {which by the way, is very helpful in keeping your sanity sometimes}, but that you are taking the time to be out there with them. Even if it’s just a 5-10 min. break from the daily grind, it helps you to escape the house and makes your kids feel loved and special. 
                                              The simple things can make all the difference!"

Thanks for visiting, Heather!  You're awesome.

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh, Sidewalk chalk sounds FUN! Thank-you for the tip!


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