
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

tropical storm Ernesto

Tropical Storm Ernesto sent showers of rain and strong winds on our little Island Saturday, Sunday, and early Monday.  The showers were light but the winds became very strong at times.  Refreshing, in my opinion.  Sunday night a strong breeze caught a door in our hall and slammed it shut with such force that I jumped out of bed sure that someone just fired a sawed of shotgun in my bedroom!
We lost power several times for a few hours at a time, but no damages were reported.  God is good.

There was a beautiful sunset painted across the sky one evening between rain showers.


  1. What a beautiful picture. I'm glad you are all okay!

  2. Super glad it passed you all over and you are safe!! Love you blog! I read it often! :)

    Micah :)


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