Tuesday, July 10, 2012




MomLady said...

Maria, this is absolutely adorable!! Am still on the hunt for a jean skirt for you! :) Congratulations friend!

Be Thou Exalted said...

Love it! Totally didn't expect that! Congratulations!

Jessi said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you and your family!

Rebekah said...


Luba said...

Congratulations, Mrs. Wesley! Thank you for your service to the Lord. :)

Erin Branscom said...

So cute!!

EllensCreativePassage said...

Congrats! What a cool announcement!

Jenna said...

Congratulations! What a sweet way to announce it! :) Maybe you'll get a little prince this time ;)

Mama Musings said...

Congratulations! That is the cutest announcement I have seen in a long time. :)

Lissa said...

YAY!!!! Congratulations!! :)

Kami Gimenez said...

YAY!!!! So excited for you all !!!!

Susan said...

Congratulations!!!! What a cute way to announce it, too! :)

Melissa said...

Congratulations!! I am so excited for you! ~Missy

Jessi said...

I'm so happy for you, Maria!!!

Jolene said...

Super excited for you and the newest treasure on the way.

"Some day my prince will come...." {smile} Maybe this will be the day!

Bethany said...

Oh my gosh!!! I'm so excited for you all!!! I just love reading your blog. I feel like you're a friend of mine because of your down-to-earth and just awesome blog posts. (Don't tell any other bloggers around that I think your blog is the better than theirs!)

I pray that you'll have a wonderful pregnancy. Congratulations!

Heidi B said...

Love it! Congratulations!

♥ Amy said...

Yeah! Sooo excited for you! Such a cute idea of letting us know. Hope you're feeling well.

Rhonda said...

Sweet!!!! Congratulations!!!!! :-)

imklvr said...

TOTALLY surprised me!! Such an adorable way to announce it! God bless you ALL!!!

Renata said...

Congratulations!!! I love how you announced it!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! What a CUTE announcement! Hope you're feeling well :)

JudyZ said...

WOW! Congratulations! I'm sure all the princesses are thrilled! Congratulations! We'll be praying for your pregnancy... especially in the extreme heat!

Juf said...

Wonderful, congratulations!! What a neat way to announce your exciting news!

Shelly said...

Congratulations Maria!!! This was such an adorable way to make your announcement. My prayers are with you as you go through this pregnancy. Blessings and hugs!!!

Andie Jaye said...

OH YAY!! i'm so tired that this took me a second! what an awesome blessing! congrats to you and your family!

Seaweed and Raine said...

Oh wow! Congratulations!!! Hope the heat isn't too rough on you with morning sickness. Love how you announced it. :)


Tinyla said...

Congratulations!!! Love how you announced this! - Tinyla

Anonymous said...

What a surprise.....for me anyway. I'm thrilled for you and your family. Praying that all goes smoothly and is a piece of cake!
from your "Sweet Tooth Queen" sister

marissa | Rae Gun Ramblings said...

congrats congrats what a stinking adorable announcement! I love it.


Mr & Mrs John said...

So happy for you...praying for strength and health and cool breezes!

Gail said...

Congratulations! I have felt something in common with you, having four daughters myself, but you're gonna pass me up! That's wonderful!

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