Thursday, February 28, 2013

lots of extra family memories

life...being life never turns out like planned.
I think this has been my longest stretch without blogging since I started.
I missed it dearly.
Hummm....let's see. {deep breath}
  At the beginning of February Prince Charming returned to Jamaica. Good things are happening there. Soon after returning, Pastor Dice from New York visited and they spent a crammed packed few days together.  One of the highlights was doing the morning devotion over the loud speakers at our local Spot Valley High School. He had 52 in the first service after returning and last Sunday he ran out of chairs it was so packed!  I'm itching to get back.

As for the girls kids and I, we had planned on staying in my hometown until Josh returned in April. But the house was sold the day before Josh flew out.  So I packed up our belongings and moved into our Suburban.    We will spend the next several weeks cramming as much family time in as possible as we move from family member to family member and load up on memories before we return to the Island.  It's not the way I had planned and it's a lot more work driving from Missouri, to Iowa, to Missouri, to Oklahoma, to Louisiana, but God knows what He's doing.  Whenever I'm in Jamaica I miss my family more than anything and maybe this is His way of giving me lots of extra family memories to take back with me. 
Baby Truman (9 weeks) playing trains with Princess Brynlee (age 2)

Please pray for Truman's paperwork to be completed and for Eden's paperwork because she has to have an updated passport and they both will have to be stamped at the Jamaican embassy before I can take them home to Jamaica.


Nancy Carr said...

How wonderful to see your blog again and hear about you and your family's life. You are blessed abundantly.

Mr & Mrs John said...

You've been in my thoughts and prayers, Maria. It's never easy living the life of the gypsy {with five kiddos and no hubby around, no less!} Have a wonderful time filling up on family memories...they are the best!

Gail said...

It's good to hear from you. Prayers!

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