Monday, November 19, 2012

I'd deeply appreciate

so it seems Baby #5 has a little "Wesley" in it.
they've settled in nice and comfortable for him....but sideways.
tomorrow we go in and the dr is going to try to turn him the right direction.
{grimace} it doesn't sound fun and I'm a little nervous.
so I'd deeply appreciate your prayers for my baby and I Monday morning.
(photo taken by my extremely talented, 
gorgeously red-headed, hilariously witty friend Julia)


Seaweed and Raine said...

I'd be happy to pray for you and baby # 5... in the mean time, try getting on your hands and knees and scrub the floor... It worked a treat in turning my first 2... baby #3 did it on his own.
Sheree x0x

marissa | Rae Gun Ramblings said...

definitely praying for you guys, hope it goes well. You look stunning by the way

♥ Amy said...

Praying for you this morning - and that little guy to get moving.
You nailed Julia perfectly! :)

Nancy Carr said...

Maria, Prayers for you and your expanding family. This is a beautiful picture of you.

Nancy Carr said...

Maria, Prayers for you and your expanding family. This is a beautiful picture of you.

Nancy Carr said...

Maria, Prayers for you and your expanding family. This is a beautiful picture of you.

Rebekah said...

Praying for you!!

Anonymous said...

Our Elijah was sideways too. Something about boys, I guess ;) Praying that he will turn!


Jen said...

Stumbled across you blog & am thrilled to see you working to raise money for a church in Jamaica! May He multiply your funds & establish His church there...never to be shaken! Am now your newest follower from..


Anonymous said...

You're always on the prayer list! Walk, walk and walk some more. My last (#4) couldn't make up her mind which way she wanted to be, even up to the last minute when she decided to make her entrance while I was sideways in a regular hospital bed--feet on the wall! She's been a whirlwind ever since--but I LOVE her!

The Woodfords said...

Praying for each of you - hope all went well today!


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