Saturday, May 28
A friend in the States is teaching the Wednesday night kid's service, at her church, this week. She is going to be talking about Jamaica and she had some questions for us. These are Moriah's (7) answers sprinkled with a few pictures, of Saturday, in our Valley.
Question: What do you do there?"Mom and Dad say we are very important here. On Saturday's we all go visiting and inviting people to church. Sometimes we get really hot and sweaty walking the long roads inviting people to church. But it is fun to meet new kids and play with them. We like to give them candy sometimes. We help in Sunday School by singing loud and listening to the stories mom tells the kids." Moriah
Question: Unique foods and recipes, something teacher could prepare for the kids.
"We love the fruit. Well, Alexis doesn't like all the fruit. We have a lot of banana trees, soursoup, bread fruit, akee, and orange trees in our yard. We all love the bananas the best, and the pineapple." Moriah
Question: Your location
"we live 10 minutes away from the Montego Bay airport. We see airplanes fly over all the time. We love to imagine flying to different places...but especially to Grandma's house. It is very hot where we live. But we live 2 minutes from the Sea, so we can go and cool off there once or twice a week. Our house is different then in American cause it is all completely concrete. We have metal bars instead of glass windows. We don't have hot running water or air conditioning. And we have alot of bugs and lizards....but we really don't mind the lizards. We like to hear mommy scream when they scare her." Moriah
Question: Anything special you might want to add
"We have a pet seahorse named Survey and a Banded Butterfly fish named Bandit. Daddy caught them in the Sea. We have a German Shepherd named Drago. He loves us and protects us. Last week for my Birthday, Daddy took me on a boat ride. It was so fun."
I love seeing things through their eyes.

{toot...toot...toot toot} Ok, so those were blaring trumpets!
A missionary wife I've never met in person, but works with some of our best college friends in Ghana, West Africa is having a contest on her blog. So fun! So hop over there and visit johninghana Blog.
1 comment:
Mrs. Maria,
I am honored that you decided to follow my blog. Your posts are always encouraging and uplifting and they bless me whenever I read them. I hope that you have a wonderful day!
May God bless you,
Joy Liz
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