Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Meet me by the river

we were blessed to have a precious baptismal service on Sunday.  Our oldest, Moriah was baptized in a small river in Spot Valley, Jamaica.  After the morning service, the congregation started walking towards the river.  It was a sweet and very exciting time.  When Moriah came up out of the water they started singing and playing the tambourines.  Truly a day to remember!

We had another young lady in our church get baptized also.  She was saved last summer when a group from Runnels, Iowa came down to do our VBS!  VBS is a lot of work but this is proof that the work is not in vain!

God is so good,


Shelly said...

How precious for a daddy to have the privilege of baptizing his daughter. This post and the videos really blessed me.

Billie Sloan said...

So exciting to see our children saved... and then baptized... on the mission field. Not everyone can grow up and say they were baptized in a river!!!

Anonymous said...

yay Praise God!!!! very sweet both those girls getting baptized.

God bless


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