Josh had to leave about 4 this morning, to drive over the mountain to Kingston. He woke me up (!!!!!) and asked, "Eden, is asleep on the concrete floor, in the living room. Do you want me to leave her there?"
Seriously? He's such a man. I guess he figures..."she's not crying....she must be fine." I went to check on her and saw her snuggled up with our German Shepherd. It was pretty cute. He's such a good dog!
(This picture isn't from this morning. I took it a few days ago when I found her laying with Drago. He had his paw on her, and I think it's wonderful how protective he is already. He's a good puppy. She was supposed to be taking a nap in her bed!)
I scoped Eden off the floor and laid her in bed with me. I wanted to snuggle with my little princess for a few hours. When I woke up a few hours later, there was rain pounding on my roof! This is my all time fav sound to wake up to. A whole lot better then two phrases that woke me up this past week, "mom, I found the grossest thing for you to clean up!" and "Mom, I didn't mean to...but..." (deep sigh) Motherhood is so exciting.
I'm signing off for now....I plan to get busy and get a lot of housework in before my daily sickness hits me! Thanks for being such an encouragement to me! I truly LOVE all of your comments and emails!

p.s I thought I'd include a few pictures I took from my roof earlier this week. The sunsets are so beautiful here, I enjoy them so much. I wish I could share them with you in real life and not just pictures! I'd love to have a picture of all of us sitting on my roof watching the sunset! (I might mention, that all the pictures of sunsets are exactly how they look ...without any photo editing, and the camera really doesn't do them justice.)
This last one, looks like God took His paint brush and swirled the colors around. I love it so much.
Awsome sunset pictures and I love the picture of Eden and the dog. He really does look protective of her!
Hi Maria!
I'm Nina, fellow missionary wife and mother of 5 living in northern Portugal.
It's been a blessing to read through your blog and to get to know you precious family a little better. (Likes like you'll have to re-name your blog after #4 makes his/her appearance!)
Anyway...God bless you and yours and may the Lord richly bless your ministry there in the beautiful island of Jamaica! (We spent a week there almost 13 years ago for our honeymoon!)
Have a great Sunday in God's house! I'll be home with my sick baby boy...who looks to have chicken pox....ugh....
Nina in Portugal
Hi Maria. I love your blog-it is so cute. I screams your personality. :) Ya know, it also makes me feel better because my girls love frogs and snails also-they are so boyish, but they also love to dress up. The Ugandans are afraid of frogs also-they believe they are poisonous. I know of a missionary kid who would find frogs when she was at church because then the Africans would leave her alone and not touch her. :) Ha ha.
I was going to say something about the Mangoes-I am not a fan of mangoes-not at all, they have this horrible after-taste, BUT I have had them in a a cobbler-it reminds me of peach cobbler. Peaches don't grow here so they are over $10 a kilo. The mango cobblers give me a little reminder of home. :)
thank you so much, Anonymous! I'm definitely gonna try the mango cobbler....I would never have thought of that myself. Love, Maria
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