Tuesday, September 28, 2010
We spent a wonderful day with family. One of my sisters, Jessica, came to visit me bringing her two little girls, Princess Evalyn (2) and Princess Genaveve (1). We went and visited our dad’s parents in Memphis, MO. Papa Larry and Grandma Alberta were so happy to see all their great-grandbabies. One of my other sisters, Rachel, and her husband met us there also, bringing Prince Evan (2).
Did you know that you can fit 9 people on a golf cart? It is possible! Grandma has a golf cart painted purple and gold with the Minnesota Vikings symbol on the hood. My hilarious {and adventurous} sisters and I loaded up all {our} kids and zoomed (yeah...I know we looked like a bunch of goobers) around town. It’s so much fun being silly when you have comrades!
A true friend {and sister} makes you laugh till you almost run off the road! I now have proof! We kept laughing as we waved at passers by... arms poking out in every possible direction.
After awhile, Grandma Alberta took everyone else on a ride, to see some horses they could touch. This left me to sit on the porch swing and enjoy a leisurely cup of coffee with my Papa.
I have lots of early memories with my Papa Larry McNamar. When my parents were first married, they lived on my grandparents farm in a trailer. I can recollect running over to Grandma’s tall house with the large porch. I remember sitting in their kitchen, eating cherrios with cut up bananas, together with Papa. I’m not sure how old I was when we moved. He always told me I was so special since I was his first little girl....after he had 4 sons.
I'm look forward to many more good memories this winter.

p.s. I'm sorry I don't have any pictures. My sis took some good ones, but forgot her camera cord.... :(
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