November 30, 2010
When is it polite for a princess to talk about spitting?
Princess Alexis and the cows.
Checking the herd.
Princess Eden...kinda hard to tell huh?
You know when it has just begun to start snowing and it isn’t coming down really heavy? Well, if you walk up to someone from North East {heart} Missouri and ask, “Is it snowing?” more then likely they will respond, “Just spittin’.”
{smile} Yeah, I love my roots.
This morning, the princesses and I were working on school work and I happened to glance out the window. There was a slight sugary dusting around on the ground. That “little-girl-tingly-excitement” started swirling inside me and we all stopped to look.
To be totally honest, you really couldn’t see anything falling from the sky unless you realllllly concentrated. But to the princesses and I the magic of winter had started!
Prince had promised if they get the schoolwork done at a good time, then we’d go out in the timber and find a Christmas tree. The girls were ready and waiting when Daddy got home. Eden was the first bundle of fluff that I sent outside....only her eyeballs showing.
After I had everyone sufficiently covered up, I came to the problem of how to sufficiently cover my protruding self. I wasn’t going to sit out on the fun!
I decided on slipping a pair of Prince’s thick hunting long johns under my clothes. You know there is a reason those don’t come in maternity size! Glancing in the mirror I scared myself...I looked like a character from a Dr. Suess book! I held my breath to zip up my boots and buttoned the only two reaching buttons on my wool coat. After wrapping a big wool scarf around my head and neck I glanced at myself in the mirror....good thing I’m not going to any beauty contest.
As I was waddling out the door, a little fluffy bundle waddled past me into the warm house. I turned to see Eden taking off her boots, “Wait a minute there, it took me to long to get dressed to stay home now!”
Prince and our tree.
Eden got cold and asked to sit in the warm pickup.
My brave lumberjacks.

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