But, {as usual} to get from point "a" to point "b" it took a little bit of elbow grease. Namely mine. With a lot of tug...tug...jerk..push...grunt...I moved all of my craft area plus 2 book cases into Princess Alexis's room. I sat up two long tables to eat at.
We have had an over abundance of baby lizards lately in our home. They show up all the time in the most unusual places. Don't worry I made hot water to sterilize the baby bottle nipple!
We went on an outing with Prince a few days ago. There is a very large resort near us called the Half Moon. There is a nice touristy little shopping center next to it. In the shopping center they have a hospital, dentist office, bank, and post office. And a lot of "catch the tourist" stores. It is a very comfortable area with fountains and concrete benches under the tall palm trees. Prince had to go to the bank so we rode along to enjoy a few minutes of a/c in the van!
The princesses and I sat down on a bench by the biggest fountain to wait. The fountain was beautiful with very fancy-smacy looking architecture. In the center is 4 cherubs holding up...ya know I didn't even notice what they were holding up! I tell you what the girls noticed though.
I heard {a wide-eyed} Alexis whisper to Moriah, "Those angels aren't wearing any panties."
Moving to the next fountain! No more sitting under the palms on that bench again! So much for culture, there goes my trip to the Sistine Chapel! { shrug shoulders}
I'm so excited about tomorrow! I've baked a variety of desserts and have the chicken all seasoned up to "jerk" in the morning.

I would love to see your recipe for jerk chicken and have so much fun with your mother's day event!
Funny! I have several jerk recipes; but I would love to see yours also. Love you! - Tinyla
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