squishy textures amuse me
fluffy, puffy textures draw me
silky, smooth textures comfort me
get the picture?
I've been wanting to make homemade laundry soap for a LONG time.
I've searched high and low for items like Borax and Washing Soda here on the Island.
Finally I had to resort to having my {wonderful} family bring me some. Soooo, after months and literally months of waiting I was able to finally do it!
I've read many, many different recipes on line but I would keep coming back to the recipe I found here. Mainly 'cause her's had an awesome fluffy texture. Like cool whip. That was just too awesome for me to pass up!
Here's what I used:
2 bars of soap I tried regular bath bar soap..worked just fine Then I tried the Jamaican blue bar soap (kinda like Fels Naptha but it's blue) used here in Jamaica for cleaning...a lot of stuff. I preferred the blue one and since it's soooo cheap, I'm gonna keep using that.
2 cups 20 Mule Team Borax
2 cups Washing Soda (not baking soda)
So my m-i-l and I whipped up 2 batches of this while she was here last week. She did most of the work, I just took pictures! {aren't moms wonderful?}
Heat up 6 cups of water until it's hot and steamy...but not boiling!
it might take longer for different types of soap or depending on how big your shavings are
stir for about 3 minutes
you'll need 4 quart jars
divide liquid up between the jars
the recipe said "fill up leaving about 1 1/2 inches at the top"
my jars were bigger then quart so I measured a quart and marked my jar with a fill line
screw the lids on them
now here's the hard part...let it sit for 8 hours!
after you whip them, pour it back into the jar and tighten the lid
I've been really impressed
The recipe said only use 2 T. I said, "there's no way" so I added 4!
Next load I added 3!
Next load I added 2! {shame face}
I have dirty sweaty kids and a handsome hardworking man.
The clothes are getting clean and I'm saving a ton of moolah! I feel so proud of myself.

count your blessing
#7 mosquito spray
#8 a working fridge
#9 old hymns
Oh neat! I'm with you, my mom and I just made a HUGE batch of laundry soap on Friday! Isn't it so fun to make your own stuff?!?!
over from marv. messy....I would love to make my own soap but have been hestitant because we have an h.e.
(high efficiency) washer and use the special stuff....what kind of washer do you have?
thanks for sharing....now following
Neat! I make my own powdered detergent, with pretty much the same ingredients, but I kind of like the fluffy stuff. How fun!
I really like the homemade soap I have (basically the same thing, minus the cool texture.) Whenever I finally run out....guessing a year? lol I'll have to try it this way!
I have been wanting to try making laundry soap for a long time too! Thanks for sharing! Stopping by from Sew Can Do link party.
Do you have a top loader or a side loader washing machine? I made soap one time here, but then found out it is not good for side loaders. I was worried it would mess up my new washer. I sure would love to try your recipe though!
And I love your ongoing list of blessings at the bottom of your posts.
One of my friends bought all the supplies for me to make my own soap. My recipe makes five gallons. Then, when you put it in other containers, you fill them half with soap and half with water; so, it ends up making ten gallons of soap. One batch lasts about six months. I have a front loader, and it seems to work just fine.
Thanks for sharing! : ) I've recently made my own laundry soap too and just love it! But I've never come across a recipe that makes *fluffy* soap! How neat : ) I'll be giving it a try sometime soon!
A Joyful day to you,
I think I'm gonna try it! Thanks for sharing!
Love, Hannah
Very cool and handy! I saw you at Sew Can Do's blog hop, and I'm a new follower.
I've been looking for a laundry soap recipe!! Thanks!!
This is cool, I've made the dry soap but have never heard of the mousse. This was one of the top viewed links at the So Creative party this week.
thanks for linking this up! what an interesting idea. may have to try this sometime...though i'm not sure where to find some of the ingredients. but i could use my favorite soap bar ((dove)) on my clothes... why, that'd be delicious!
Thanks for sharing! I've made homemade laundry soap in the past, but I like the idea of the texture of this recipe. I will have to try it. =)
this is so cool! I can't wait to try it! Thanks so much for linking up to Tuesday Talent Show! I would love to have you stop by and link up again tomorrow with more great projects!
Hi Maria! I just wanted to let you know I will be featuring this on my blog tonight. Feel free to stop by and grab a featured button! Thanks for sharing! :)
Homemaker in Heels
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