Wesley Family
Heritage Sunday
This was an amazing Sunday. Jamaica celebrated national Heroes day about 2 weeks ago. We have been promoting having a Heritage Sunday for several weeks. The wonderful people of our church decided that they wanted this meal to be {very authentic} Jamaican dishes and they started making plans. When we mentioned the idea of dressing up "old-fashioned" they literally jumped at the idea! They became very excited.
A few weeks ago, we voted to change the name of the church to
Valley Baptist Church.
I love it. Simple and easy to say. One of the ladies surprised us with this handmade banner.
some of the kids waiting around while Pastor was still out on bus route
In Sunday School, we've been learning the song
"Stop and let me tell you what the Lord has done for me"
so they have little "stop and go" signs and they sang it for the morning service.
These little bundles were the joke of the day.
They are called Blue Drawers. The joke kept being passed around,
"Have you seen Marsha's Blue Drawers?" Then lots of {good-hearted} laughter.
I think they're beautiful.
A little sweetness all wrapped up in the banana leaf.
Best jerk pork ever! This is my plate and it has jerk pork, jerk chicken, curry chicken,
"Rundun" (salt fish), vegetables, and festival (fried sweet bread)
Finger-lickin' good!
not matter what country you're in...kids love to be goofy for the camera
what was I saying about being "goofy"?
There were many desserts.
I didn't get pictures of them but I wouldn't have remembered their names, anyways.
Corn meal pudding, anyone?
Two of our very faithful ladies
These beautiful ladies are hard workers.
After serving everyone's meal to them and washing up every dish
I was able to {finally} get them together for a picture.
There were more ladies that attended the service, but they'd already headed home
by the time we took this picture.
someone little needed attention from "teacher'
Pastor was taking the last bus load home,
so only three little kids were left besides mine.
I took this opportunity to snuggle and love on her.
Moriah sweetly took a few pictures.
this little girl wasn't sure what to think of Brynlee at first. She leaned close and looked at her. Then she leaned over to me and whispered, "Does he bite?"
I tried to hide my smile and honestly replied, "sometimes."
Deciding to take her chances, they became fast friends.
Clapping their hands together, playing peek-a-boo, and she even "fed him a bottle."
The church ladies kept telling me {over-and over}, "It's such a great day."

count your blessings
#52 someone else doing the dishes
#53 the feeling when you get to take your high heels off after a long day
#54 laughter between friends
LOVE this post! Thanks for sharing! Beautiful mama, beautiful family, beautiful church family! :)
Great post.
I think the first photo would be great in black and white.
Good memories.
Wonderful, wonderful! : ) Glad to hear it was a successful Heritage Sunday. It was interesting to see all the traditional food there! Valley Baptist Church is a very nice name! I appreciate your advice on taking the family picture Before church...too cute, and so true!
Joyful Blessings,
Great job on the costumes! Just beautiful... especially on all those blondies. :-)
Aw, I love this post. And your family picture is just beautiful. Your outfits are pretty awesome, too. :)
That is SO true! The picture is adorable! Such a sweet post.
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