Saturday, April 21, 2012

Watch your tongue

We had a wonderful meeting in our Girl's Only Club today.
One girl told me that she's been "convicted about praying daily"
 and that she prays everyday now.
  That was precious to me.
Today's topic was "WATCH YOUR TONGUE!"
They could all think of a time when someone had said something mean
 and hurt their feelings.
I talked about how important it is to learn to talk quiet and sweetly
 as a young girl,
  "thinking before you speak",
 and unkind words shows a selfish heart. 
This week's memory verse is Proverbs 25:11.

Princess Moriah and I went to the Valley all by ourselves today.
I honestly believe it's been years since my first born and I
 have done anything together...alone.
After our club meeting we went to the grocery store
 and celebrated with some candy.

Wanna sneak peak?
New Additions to the Marketplace!  I'm in love with these colors!


Andie Jaye said...

what beautiful smiles in that group! so glad that the two of you got some time to spend together!

Tinyla said...

I love, love, LOVE, your idea of a girls only club on Saturday. ( I am glad you got to spend some "mommy and me" time with Moriah.) Keep up the good work! - Tiny

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