When I first caught chik virus we all thought it was just a few days of misery and that would be it. Not even worth mentioning. From that fateful day in October this virus has stolen many things from me. Including properly celebrating birthdays and Christmas, time with my husband and children, and a little bit of my dignity since I'm now walking like my Great-Grandmother.
Here is how our journey started...
A few members of our church had already came down with the chik virus so we were familiar with it plus it was all over the Jamaican news how it was spreading around our island.
One morning, Josh left early to drive across the island to buy groceries at our nice grocery store. When I woke up I swung my legs over the bed and started to walk across the bedroom. I noticed my toes were all severely sore and had the feeling like they had all been jammed. Odd. As all mothers do I continued with my morning, making all the kids their breakfast and getting school work underway. After a few hours an aggravating ache had spread up my legs. A thought came in the back of my mind that this could be one of the symptoms. I called a church member who had came down with it the week before. I asked her how she felt and her symptoms, without telling her my worries. As I realized my beginning symptoms matched hers an scared little ache started in my belly.
By lunchtime, the pain was so severe I couldn't walk upright and I was developing a fever. When Josh returned to the house that evening he laid his hand on my leg and I cried out in pain. The next 3 days were extremely painful. The African meaning of Chikungunya is "drawn up". Describing how you pull your limbs up because the pain is so intense. My fever went high and stayed that way for almost 3 full days. Everything hurt to touch me. It hurt to lay in the bed, but I couldn't walk or sit so that was the only option. It hurt to lay my head on the pillow. It hurt bad to cover and let the sheet touch me, but I was so cold even in the 80+ degree temperture.
After a few days the fever was gone and I only had very minor aches. We thought, "That was awful, but I'm so thankful it's over with." So, the next week, Josh went ahead with his plans of flying to the States for 3 weeks for some meetings.
A few days after he flew away, leaving the girls and I on the Island, all the pain came back. (to be continued...)
Wow, drama. Sorry for the theatrics. In truth I'm just too tired to type any more and my finger and wrists are hurting.
I will be keeping you in prayer as you continue to recover. ((hugs))
Prayers for your strength to return. Love from Louisiana! Hugs, Merry
You will be in my prayers, also. Dona
Praying for you.
Wow! Maria, I do hope and pray that you will get over that soon. I have never heard about that virus, but it sounds like a bad one. Does it run its course eventually like most viruses do? I will pray for you.
Praying for you, Maria. Don't beat yourself up over everything you can't do right now. Hang in there and just get better.
Love, Amy
Praying for you all!
Just saw your blog for the first time today, and we have been dealing with this awfulness in El Salvador too! My daughter started with it on Thanksgiving and her joints are still hurting! Hope that you make a full recovery soon!
I pray that you are feeling better. The flu that is on the East Coast is bad enough - your battle with this mighty beast sounds horrific. Being so isolated must add to both your own worries as well as your families. I will keep you in my prayers!! Connecticut seems very far away - but, prayers travel!!!
Please give us an update as to how you are doing!!!
>.......O.......< ( that is a hug )
Hi Maria,
I've been thinking of you and praying for you each day. I hope you are feeling better each day.
Oh my goodness. =( I can't wait to read the rest, I hope you are better now???
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