I love her to pieces and I'm so proud of her and her Godly husband.
Hahaha! {fall off chair with laughter} I crack myself up!
That's better...ok, I'll behave myself.
They really are a great couple, trying to bring up their daughters by the Bible and to love and serve our Savior. They are doing an awesome job, raising their little princesses, Eva and Gigi.
Ok, I could go on and on with pictures of my "cutie-batootie" nieces, but I'll get to the challenge.
Today's T' Time Challenge is
"Getting Messy with Organizing"
"As an "oh so" laid-back-mother-of-two-who-never-lets-anything-defeat-me,I'm always looking for new ways to keep my ever so organized house looking better. {snicker} Ok, so maybe I exaggerated just a little bit...he he. I'm just like any other stay-at-home mom who spends most of their time devoted to changing diapers, filling sippy cups, kissing bo bo's, ect.... I have two very busy little girls that do everything together. Kinda like monkey see....monkey do. And although I do love trying to keep my house organized at times it seems almost pointless. I found a fun and easy way to help get my girls to do their part when it came to putting things in their place.
I took an everyday door mat and craft paint. With the help of some little feet... I decided to get messy. by painting my girl's feet (youngest to oldest) I very carefully placed them in line on our mat. Just for fun we decided to add a cute little phrase.
I've found that by teaching my girls to always place their shoes on the mat, it helps mommy keep things organized but it can still be fun too!"
Thanks, Sis!

p.s. I know you used to be able to get cheap door mats at Dollar Tree (for all you living in the States). I've been out of the shopping circle for a while so I'm not sure if you still can...just thinking out loud.
What a great idea! I'll have to find me an extra long runner. :)
I enjoy your T'time posts, Maria. And it was nice to meet your sister, too.
Last week, I had received an email from Hannah Mix the day before I read her contribution and it was really fun to see her face and her family. I felt as if I were meeting her in real life.
I think you and your sister could be twins! Gail
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