My Take the Time to Challenge guest this week is my best friend from college.
I've wanted her to do a post for you for months
and {I'm bouncing in my chair} excited to introduce her to you!
In college we were inseparable (until I met Prince Charming).
We worked together everyday and know each other so well we often read each other's thoughts.
We had the kind of friendship where you could be yourself.
We laughed together, cried together, prayed together.
I respect her and miss her like crazy.
My sister...with a different skin color.
She has 2 little princesses, as cute as can be.
This girl is a pastor's wife and they make their home in beautiful Arkansas.
Meet.... Tinyla!

T' Time Challenge #44 is....
Let them know they are beautiful!
My challenge is to let them know they are beautiful!!! We are bombarded with the word's image of "beauty" which is so different from what the Lord deems as beautiful. Children are no different. One day a commercial came on advertising a lady with long, blonde, gorgeous hair. Aaliyah turned to me and said, "Mommy, I want hair!" that hurt my little heart! Aaliyah has gorgeous hair; but it will never be blonde and flowing. Everyone has something about them that is beautiful, no matter if they look like they just walked off a Hollywood photo shoot/ runway, or not. The Bible says we are all "fearfully and wonderfully made". This applies to everyone of us.
Psalms 139:14
I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

Since that day, my hubby and I tell our girls how beautiful they are quite regularly, not because we want them to be filled with fleshly pride; but because we don't want some bozo to tell them that later and them believe it and forsake all they know is good and right to follow after him....and because it's true! It is also great if others (outside your normal circle of friends) compliment them as well. Dress your little girl (or guy) up {on a day other than Sunday} and send her (or him) on a date with their daddy and see what happens. People of all walks of life will stop what hteya re doing to tell your little princess (or prince) how beautiful or handsome they are. (Of course, it is also great when they are behaving like they should. Something about Aaliyah in a Sunday dress encourages her to be on her best behavior!)

Have a lovely day,

Wise words!!! Our daughter (18) is very tall - 6 feet - and has always been tall for her age growing up. Because she's tall, she has a large frame and will always weigh more than other girls her age, even though she's slender. I spent so much time as she grew up telling her how pretty she was, and how God had made her tall and beautiful and trying to explain that it's natural for her to weigh more than the other girls. Now, as a young woman, she stands tall and confident. And that's even next to her petite best friend and many of her Filipina friends in the Vancouver area! ;) I think it's great to encourage our girls to be comfortable with who they are and how God made them! Keep it up!
Thanks, Tinyla. Love your idea. And I love you too! Glad we got to be together a lot in college too with the Deaf.
I didn't realize Tinyla was your bestie! Reading your blog and seeing all the gals you hung out with in college makes me wonder how it is I never really got to know you, Maria. Hmmm... must have been that Sloan boy I was smitten with at the time. That's all I can figure...
Thanks for the wise words of advice, Tinyla. YOU are a beautiful lady, too, my friend!
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