Once when Moriah was younger we were out in the yard, enjoying the summer sunshine, when she points to a neighbor's yard that hadn't seen a lawn mower in awhile. Moriah pointed at the many fluffy dandelions and said, "Mommy look at all the wishes!!!"
If only life was that simple! I'd love to be able to blow all my cares and troubles away and have them float along and disappear! Believe me....if it really worked that way..I'd be running around the back yard with miracle grow making sure all the dandelions had plenty!
But life isn't like that. Now that I'm a big girl, I realize that my troubles, worries, and wishes are only mine. No one fully cares...because everyone else has their own headaches! I know your hubby and your mom probably do! But the only one I can fully turn to is my Lord! Don't get me wrong....I do talk to my husband!!! And talk....and talk...and talk! Lol! Still, there are some things that are just between you and God. I'm so thankful for a Savior that is there for me...listening to my thoughts and my wishes and my worries. I feel so sorry for those who don't have a relationship with my Heavenly Father. I just want to thank you, Lord!
What a lovely post...thanks for sharing your thoughts with us!
That is so sweet! What a great way to show us giving our cares to God too. Just like the dandilion they float up to God and leave our hands. I like that alot. Thanks Maria. :) Miss you!
Such a beautiful and heartfelt post...you have a lovely blog!
Thank you so much for leaving your sweet comment on my blog! It is so nice to meet you!
I’m so glad you stopped by and entered in my giveaway, Good Luck!
Hugs, Carol Anne
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