We went to the beach this morning and stayed for a couple hours. Usually we only stay about an hour, but it was such a beautiful calm day that we couldn't resist enjoying it to the fullest. Alexis and I walked way out on the rocks and collected all sorts of helpless little crabs and seashells. Moriah tried the entire time to catch a fish in her net...but to no avail. There were so many different little ones, but they are very fast. We've tried to teach the girls that if you sit really still, you see more....but they always get excited and rush to catch them. It is so amazing to see the waves coming in....so crystal clear they look like glass. And the sound of them splashing...and the feel of the warm sun on my face! How could you not love the feeling when you wiggle your toes in the sand?
The thought flittered across my mind that I shouldn't mention when we go to the beach...that some might think it frivolous and we should be out doing the Lord's work....continually earning the money that our supporting churches send. I actually had someone tell me this. This is my blog, so I can disagree if I please.
I am soooo very indescribably thankful for the many many sacrifices that are made, on our behalf, so we are able to minister to the Jamaican people! I am soooo very indescribably thankful for the many many sacrifices that are made, on our behalf, so we are able to minister to the Jamaican people! I am soooo very indescribably thankful for the many many sacrifices that are made, on our behalf, so we are able to minister to the Jamaican people! Just making sure you understand! (giggle) Still, missionaries need breaks also. In the States there are libraries, nice restaurants, state parks, and family (I don't think I'll keep going...even though I really could). Many little things that make life easier and just nicer. I'm honestly not complaining, we do quiet nicely.
But, please don't begrudge a missionary wife...living without double stuffed oreos....a trip to the beach, once every week or two! If you are another missionary wife sitting out there, in some distant foreign land...don't feel bad when you actually take a minute for yourself. I understand.
Not sure how I got on that....hope I didn't ruffle anyones feathers...seriously not my intention.
Church was so amazing yesterday! We had 22 in the morning service. For the evening service we had 8 people want to go with us to a Revival Crusade being held at Riverside Baptist Church in Martha Brea. It was so fun to bring our own people with us. We sang praise choruses for an hour and half.....standing up! It was so much fun though! We sang one where we all filed out of our benches and marched around the church. My kids really enjoyed it. Can you imagine doing that? We love Jamaica.
p.s. If anyone heard a blood-curdlng scream a few days ago. Don't be alarmed.. there is just a deaf lizard now running around my house somewhere now. I was leaning against my closet wall and a big fat one ran out and right by my HEAD!!!! (full body shudder) Josh was laying on the couch...and do you know he had the nerve.... to not even get up to check on me!!!! Course I didn't give him much time because I ran screaming past him doing circles!
1 comment:
Maria, don't let others comments bother you. Of course you need a break and your girls need some fun time with mommy.
Glad to hear that everyone is feeling better.
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