I needed to update everyone on how my daughters are doing. Thank you so very much for all the emails and messages on fb asking about them. It's so wonderful to know that so many are praying.
Boils are messy business. Sunday night in church, there was a big one by Alexis's ear that burst. I will spare you the yucky details. She was in a lot of pain, but about an hour after it burst she said it felt so much better. The pressure was relieved. As of today, Moriah has a new one on her calf (her 5th one). And Alexis still has a very painful one, about the size of a silver dollar on her thigh. Alexis has only had two.
Thank you to everyone who has sent me home remedies and precautions I should take. I really appreciate that.
Here's what we are doing. The dressings are changed morning and night, unless they get wet or seep out. I am applying a gooey black medicine called ICHTHAMMOL and a cream that we bought from the doctor. I sterilize the area with alcohol before dressing. They each are taking an antibiotic we bought from the doctor. We are also giving them each zinc once a day. I have also gave them tylenol, a couple of times, if they have much pain.
I only give them showers not baths, and I am bleaching the towels and washcloths after each use. Also bleaching the tub. Please continue to pray,
Praying for you, Maria! It's no fun when the little ones are in pain!
I would love to see you put a subscription box on your blog, so I can receive your posts into my inbox. You can do this free of charge through "Feedburner." Hope you don't mind my suggestion... but I love reading your posts and would even like to see them pop up into my ever-full inbox! :)
Love ya!
thanks for the prayers!
I think I have a subscribe box on the left side. Is that what you were talking about? I think it's the same thing. Any suggestions you have are VERY welcome!
You inspire me, Maria
I've had trouble with boils. To relieve the pressure I'd use a sterile needle and puncture it, as you would a blister. Hope you get to the root of the problem.
As always, your family is in our prayers, Sarah Krogmeier
I have enjoyed browsing your blog! You have a beautiful family and you live in a beautiful area! We love Jamaica as we have been there on multiple cruises...a great place to visit and from the looks of it...a great place to live! :o)
Our family will be lifting you to Jesus!
We are praying for you and your family. I think you are doing everything right for the girls. It's so hard when it's our kids that are suffering.
I really enjoy reading your blog!
Thank you so much, Ladies. Your comments mean so much to me! - Maria
We sure will be praying for you and your sweet babies. I know it's tough when they don't feel well.
I've enjoyed reading your blog and experiences in Jamaica. We'll be your neighbors soon! Well, not really, but in the same area of the world! It's fun to read all about your West Indies adventures and know we might have some of the same adventures soon too!
Thanks for being a blessing.
Kami Gimenez
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