7 years ago...
My prince came riding into my life in his Ford pickup. One of my sisters told me once, “I don’t fall for pickup lines....I fall for pickup trucks.” {blush} Maybe it’s a Missouri girl thing. One of the things that caught my eye was how he was sure of what he wanted in life and had {actual} plans. He’d known since he was 17 that he wanted to go to Jamaica as a missionary. As our friendship grew, I realized that this was the guy for me. Now, I had to convince him that one of those things he wanted in life is Me.
Our first date was on my Birthday, Sept. 2. We went to an amusement park with our good friends, Emily (Ager) and her boyfriend Andrew Aaron. Now they are missionaries in Ghana, Africa.
A few months later, in November, Josh greeted me after class and escorted me outside the College building. He had spread a quilt and picnic on a patch of Oklahoma grass. Before we ate, he reached under the edge of the quilt....handed me a red rose...and with tender eyes {sniff...sniff) confessed his love!
Then came Christmas break, I was going home to Missouri and He was staying in Oklahoma. We were going to be separated for weeks! After Christmas, I had went to my Grandma Grace’s farm to spend a few days. I was lounging around on the couch in my pj.s watching tv...there I laid with no makeup and hair up in a bun. Gram came in and suggested I get dressed. Get dressed...?....I’m on vacation! I talked to Josh on the phone and he told me he was on the way to work, after we hung up I fell asleep.
Suddenly, I was woke up by a very precious face kneeling beside the couch! I was in complete shock....and kinda embarrassed...as I gathered the covers to my chin. We looked at each other for a few seconds when Gram comes running in the room. Prince turned to her and said, “Where is it?” Gram went to her Christmas tree and took off a shiny red box and handed it to Josh. When I opened the box, there was a porcelain ornament inside. It had our names on one side and the date on the other. Joshua then handed me a spool of green yarn and told me to cut some to hang the ornament.
I hadn’t noticed that Gram had left the room, but around this time she came running back into the room and announced that she had to take a picture. {smile} hum....something is up!
As I pulled on the end of the yarn....a shiny ring came floating down. Prince Charming got down on one knee and asked me to be his wife. I found out later he had drove to where my dad was working at Pepsi and while they drank ice cold Pepsi out of glass bottles, in the break room, Josh asked for dad’s approval. He then drove 2 hours to Gram’s farm, but shut his truck engine off and walked the last mile.
We were married on June 21, 2003.
(Can you see the heart shining through the clouds above us?) {true love}
We’ve had a wonderful 7 anniversary day. My friend, Tash, watched the princesses so we could go out to lunch. We went to Pizza Hut (yummy). Our pizza hut is really nice. It has a/c, and the newly remodeled inside is very modern and relaxing. We sat at a table with a beautiful ocean view. They serve desserts there also. Prince Charming had cheese cake and I had a cinnamon dessert.
After we ate, we walked across the street to the beach.
super romantic!
How wonderful!!! I loved reading your story. I didn't remember all the details. Wonderful post Mia. - T
Congratulations on 7 years! I love your heart in the clouds... only God could have done that, literally...!
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