(patiently watching for Grandma and Uncle Levi)
Where to start?
My flip-flopped feet have barely rested the last few days and seen a lot of mileage. Since my last post, they have tip-tapped anxiously awaiting the arrival of my mom and little brother, Levi, into the Montego Bay Airport. I'm still amazed that she's {unrestrained girlie squeal} actually here!!! That was on Monday. The princesses and I {im}patiently waited amongst the thick crowd of Jamaicans hovering around the exit door of the airport. After about a million... "stay where I can see you" "It won't be much longer" "yes, right through that door" "you can't possibly have to go again" "etc....'s"....Grandma appeared. Wearing a big floppy black hat and a shirt with tropical flowers. Sniff...sniff...hug...hug....squeeze, squeeze, squeeze.
Christmas came again when Grandma unzipped her luggage. I feel so spoiled! Mom brought me wonderful treasures... like Little Debbies, Bath and Body, and maternity dresses.
After supper that night, we took Grandma down to our beach to see the Sea... for her very first time.
(Eden and her Uncle Levi)
(Alexis and her starfish)
(Levi and Austin looking for buried treasure)
Friday, we took mom on the roller coaster ride (minus the rails) over the mountains to Kingston.
Definitely an unforgettable experience for her. I was so proud of her for not getting sick or fainting. The princesses and Levi stayed with my friend, Tash. So mom and I rode in the front seat with Josh (I was the lucky one who got the hot seat, on top the engine {literally}.) Joshua and Austin (our other house guest) took out all the van seats except one for Sir Austin to ride on. We planned on picking up our couch, even though we didn't really expect it to be finished. Remember the couch that is being built...that was supposed to be done weeks ago...that’s the one.
After meeting some friends for lunch and going to the nice{st} grocery store, Prince Charming talked to Brown Man and the couch was done. Shock...yippy!
We loaded the couch into the van...giving Austin the perfect seat/bed for the trip home. We had to unbolt the last bench seat and move it forward to make room to squeeze in the couch. Nothing to exciting on the ride back over the mountain....thankfully....and we arrived home at a good time.
SO excited for you that your mom can visit! I remember how much it meant to have my mom visit our first year on the missin field for the birth of our first child...then again, after the birth of our second. Precious memories.
As a mom and a grandmother, this brought tears to my eyes! Have fun, and I know I wouldn't have to tell you, but enjoy every minute! Glad you got your couch. Gail
so so happy for you!!!!! Enjoy ever bit of their visit!!!
It's so exciting that your Mom and brother get to be with you. My mom and youngest brother got to visit us after we had been here for a year. It was so much fun to have them. Enjoy every minute of your time together. Take lots of photos!
So funny - my Mom always brings me Little Debbies and Bath and Body Works when she comes!
Have a great time with your Mom and brother. Enjoy every minute, make lots of memories and take tons of photos. Have FUN.
Sherry.....Kami's MOM
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