God's plans moved them to Africa and us to Jamaica. Still... a true friend is someone who you can share your thoughts with and you feel like you're right there on the couch with them....instead of oceans apart. {sniff} Em is like that. Sure do miss her. We love this couple and talk about memories made with them quite a lot.
"First, let me thank Maria for having such a great and fun blog. We love reading about other missionaries, and we enjoy hearing of your experiences in Jamaica!
Our family has been serving in Ghana, West Africa as missionaries since January 2009. I have been married to Andrew Aaron for eight years, and we have three children, Amelia (5 yrs.), Adam (4 yrs.), and our newest, Jane (10 mo.), who was actually born here in Ghana.
Like some of the other T' Time visitors, I also attended Oklahoma Baptist College where I met my future husband. Interestingly enough, Andrew and I didn't not come the same year to school even though he is only a few months older than me. I was a full two years ahead of him. I did, however, enroll the same year as his sister. Anyone who has met Mary will know what a sweet person she is! We became friends, and soon, Mary decided our freshman year that I was the girl to marry her little brother, a Junior in high school at the time. Well, I didn't give it much of a thought...Little did I know that she was also talking about me to her brother, Andrew. You can imagine how we approached each other when Andrew did come to school two years later. We didn't! We didn't want much to do with each other. Well, I guess God had other plans. We got put on the same church bus route. We saw each other and worked together every weekend, and God took care of the rest! It is such a joy to serve the Lord together as missionaries in Africa!
Today, my challenge is
to share your childhood memories with your children.
All children love to hear stories. How much more when they can actually picture their mom and dad as kids themselves! Tell all kinds of stories, those that teach a truth ("be sure your sins will find you out," "God will provide your needs," etc.), stories about growing up, or stories that are just plain fun. Your kids will love to laugh at the silly things you did or thought. A favorite story that Amelia and Adam request often is told by Andrew. Growing up, Andrew had three siblings that he was always around. Five years older than him were his twin brothers. Mary was next in line, almost 2 years older than Andrew. I won't go into all the details, but the story takes place when the kids decided to make an underground tunnel. Well, they needed someone to "try it out" to make sure it was large enough to fit through. Aunt Mary was the lucky one! Unfortunately, they didn't get it right the first time or even the second time. Mary got stuck! Well, they were able to pull her out, most of her. I'll leave it up to her to tell you what got left behind in the tunnel!
So go ahead, share your memories with your little kiddos. You may even recall things you haven't thought about it years!"
Well lets just say the elastic in the homemade culottes were not the best!
Very good advice :) Nice to "meet" you, Emily!
Hilarious, Emily!! Poor Mary!
Ha ha! Thanks!
So good to see my sweet former roommate, Emily, featured here on your blog!!! Love this gal!
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