Monday, August 15, 2011

Cookies and Cream Cheesecake

love cheesecake
love cookies
love dessert

my sister and I made this last week and tried to hide it from the kids
it was so yummy that Prince (who doesn't like cheesecake) snitched the last piece

        I found this and other great recipes at 
                    Six Sisters Blog
Six Sister\


The Cottage Market {Andrea} ♥ said...

oh this one looks like a winner!!!! my son LOVES ANYTHING with oreos in it and he LOVES cheesecake! just so happens i bought a new package of oreos on saturday so i think this yummy creation is getting baked tomorrow even though it is sweltering here in nj -- this shall be worth it! thanks for sharing! take care and all the best to you! : ) andrea (one of your newest members! : )

Unknown said...

That looks mouth is watering!!!! I'm a BIG cheesecake fan!

Six Sisters said...

Thank you so much for the shout out!! We love your blog! And sorry- I thought that we were following you . . . but apparently we weren't . . . but we are now! Have a wonderful day!
-The Six Sisters

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