Saturday, August 6, 2011

T' Time Tent Challenge Features!

My Take the Time to...Challenge this week was ALL about making tents with your kids.  We had fun with it and I'm just tickled pink that there were so many who shared their cute little kiddo's tents.
Y'all are {very} ingenious out there....I'm impressed. {sweet smile}

Sweet Army-wife Mary has 2 cutie princesses!
see the little tootsies peeking out?
I'm lovin' the pink pj's!

One of my besties, Emily sent pictures
 (all the way from Africa) of her kids.

Hannah over at A Country Mix had the great idea 
of serving a meal in their tent.

Kristen's little princess has a very inviting cozy tent. 
 I want to snuggle in there!

Mary's raising some handsome little boys...something I know 
NOTHING about.  
You're doing great, girl!

Jennifer, down Texas way, is a great mom to some fun little kids.

Tinyla, I'm very impressed with this idea!  
That is such a great place to make a tent.  {raised eyebrows} 
You're so amazing!

 Leave it to MY little brothers to come up with this!  Notice the cross on top?  Yep, they made their tent into a church and even preached to each other.  Wonder if they shared the Oreo's to the congregation after the service? 

I'm loving these goofy little girlies...
and that tree picture in the background!  
My baby nieces are getting too big!
thanks so much, girlies!


Tinyla said...

Thanks for issuing this challenge Maria! We had so much fun with this. Tents are great for kis of all ages. - Tinyla

P.S. I can't believe those are your brothers!!! They are so big.

Lucas Kain said...

Wow, awesome!! I simply ADORED playing tents when I was little. It was just too much fun for my imagination. ;P

call Jamaica

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