Meet....Chandra, all the way from Texas.
"Hello! My name is Chandra Horton. My husband, Bradley, is Pastor of Faith Independent Baptist Church in Savoy, Texas. We have three children. Chloe is 7, Felicity is 5 and Clayton is 4. We just recently found out we are expecting #4! I home school all 3 which I absolutely love. I can't imagine sending my babies off for 8 hours a day, I would go insane!! ;-) I really love being pregnant and love babies (as Maria said she does). This is just the first pregnancy with morning sickness (and it lasts all day!)
I guess the worst part of being a mommy is watching them grow up so fast. :-( Makes me so sad. But I try to treasure every moment with them. We are training them to be better Christians than we are! One way we like to do this is finding a spiritual point of view for things.
So My Take the Time to Challenge is...
Look for a Spiritual Point of view!
With Halloween in a couple of weeks, going to the store is not very fun with the kids! Some of the things out there scare them! We have to really be careful of what they see and hear this time of year. I love pumpkins and carving pumpkins. I came across this little poem a couple of years ago on the internet and we had a lot of fun with it! Hope you enjoy it!"

Christians are Like Pumpkins
God picks you from the patch...

brings you in...

washes all the dirt off. you..

then He cuts off the top...

scoops out all of the yucky stuff and
He removes the seeds of doubt, hate, greed, etc...

then He carves a new smiling face....

and He puts His light inside of you
for all the world to see!

I absolutely LOVE this idea! Thank you so much, Chandra for sharing this with us!
i LOVE this!!
thanks for posting this!
love the pictures! there is a book similar to this called "My Happy Pumpkin: God's Love Shining Through Me". i'm using for a post soon!
First of all, Chandra, no way those are your kids! Where did those {little} girls go that my boys played with?! Secondly, and most importantly, I LOVED what you said, "We are training them to be better Christians than we are! One way we like to do this is finding a spiritual point of view for things." This is KEY... above all else, and I am so glad you pointed this out because it is so easily missed.
Our pastor's wife here just shared this lesson with our single ladies a couple of weeks ago. Great lesson and I loved the pics you took to go with it!
Cried as I read your blog today! I just miss you guys a lot. I'm seeing all the beautiful leaves change (for the first time) and I think of you often (very often) and wish you were here with me. Love you , Maria. Thank you for the "sacrifices" you have made. I know it will all be worth it in eternity. Missing you terribly today!
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