She was my favorite teacher in college, teaching Christian Womanhood Class with animation and spunk.
She loved what she was teaching and I believe every girl in the class benefited just as much from her example, as a {genuinely} happy Christian wife, as we did from the notes taken.
Honestly {blush} these were the only college notes I saved and shipped with me to Jamaica.
I'm super excited to introduce her to you! Meet..... Mrs. Murphy!

"Greetings Ladies, from MinnaSNOWta! We finally have some of the cold white stuff here.
My name is Lois Murphy. I am the wife of Evangelist Darrell Murphy. We have been married going on 27 years. Through this journey called "life" we have had so many experiences that we have enjoyed, and honestly had to just trust God through. We have three children a 21 year old, 12 year old and a 10 year old. We travelled for 13 years full-time with my husband in a travel trailer. I have spent many nights parked in a church parking lot. I got very sick and we made the decision to have my husband travel full time alone. Marriage takes work, but when you are in a situation like ours, it takes WORK!!
My T' Time Challege is....
take the 14 day work challenge.
Beginning on February 1 and ending on February 14 I challege you to write a small love note and tell one thing that you love your husband for.
Day One I love you when you look at me and I know you are telling me that you love me!
Day Two: I love the way you work so hard to provide for us!
Day Three: I love the way you let me take your arm or hand when we walk..I feel so secure!
Day Four: I love how you lead us to be more like Jesus!
You get the idea.
On Day 14 Write a love letter to your husband. By this time there is no doubt in his mind that He is still the LOVE of your life! Plan an exciting candlelight dinner, with romantic music, flowers and a beautiful well dressed wife. No need to get a sitter for the children. Have your hot date planned for after their bed time! Ladies, it will take a little work to pull this off, but your man needs to be reminded of the love you have for him. If you do not show him love and excitement, Satan will sure make sure that he knows this! Work and reap the benefits!"
How about it, ladies? Are you up to the challenge? I'll remind you again on Feb. 1st!
One thing Mrs. Murphy told us that really stuck with me is this, she said that every morning she prayed for a "hedge of protection" around her husband to keep danger and temptation away. I wasn't married at the time, but I realized how important praying for your husband is. This is a thought and prayer that I've carried with me the last 8 years of my marriage.
Have a lovely day,
Love it! Marriage does take work, but it's SO worth it!
I plan to do this challenge, even though I try to do little things often to show my love for him. It's like flirting and I love to flirt with my hubby ♥
I like this challenge, and I'm going to do it! :)
Thanks for sharing this challenge and the prayer each morning for your husband. I intend to put both to practice.
Maria, your T-Time posts are a real ministry as they help so many of us in our day to day lives.
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