I instantly flattened my body against the opposite wall and did a flat shuffle quickly away. When I reached the light switch I instantly flipped on the light and did a {aughhh} body jiggle. {blink...blink...blink}
He looked at me. I looked at him. Normally when I see a big bug {....or creature} my 2nd thought is grab the camera. Not this time...it was....survival. {snicker}
This was literally the biggest lizard I've seen in my house. Every bit of 8 inches. He had a really fat tail also. Now I'm really gonna scare you. {whisper} I just shut the light off and went to bed.
Snuggled in my bed all safe and sound my eyes pop open, "I wonder where he sleeps at during the day?"
Ha! I hope you got some sleep! I actually love lizards. . . but then again, I've never slept with one in roaming free in my home. . .
Ha. I'm laughing! I've done that many times too. I don't know if it is we just get kind of used to seeing it or it is just easier to pretend it is not there than to try to run it out! I've never calmly gone to bed with a 8-inch lizard in my house though. I think I would have had to wake my husband for that one!
I've had a hamster roaming my house for a week, but never a lizard!!
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