Take the time to Challenge today is......
a class in the widely popular freezer paper stenciling.
My little sis has been having a ball creating things and has made some darling stuff.
She's convinced me that it is really easy way to "fancy up" or personalize your kids clothes,
diaper bag, purse, your husband's undershirts (haha) ...the possibilities are endless!
"Here we go ladies are you ready? {rap on the desk}
Sit still in your chairs and no passing notes or talking.
1. Scan image and copy it onto NON-WAXY side of wax paper
2. Tape onto a piece of cardboard and cut image out with an exact-o knife or something similar
3. Waxy side DOWN place on your material. Iron directly on low heat
4. Take fabric paint and paint away! (Read on the bottle for specific directions)
Hard part? Letting it dry.
5. Fun part? peeling back paper to see how it is going to work
6. Tip: place a scrap piece of material over image and heat it up once more to kinda seal it
Now, aren't your proud of yourself? I give you permission to show the rest of the class your work.
Have fun, ladies!

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