Once upon a time {long, long ago} we were sitting in a church...somewhere in America.
My husband had showed our presentation of Jamaica. Saying what we planned on doing and all the {touching} pictures of the faces. He was talking about the living conditions and how life would be for us on the Island. I sat on the cushioned pew, hair perfectly curled, make-up in place, with the sound of the church's air conditioner unit blowing faintly in the back ground.
The question and answer time came. The same questions we've answered a thousand times came. "What is the language?" "What is the main religion?" "What type of food do they eat?" etc...etc...etc..
One stout man, in fine clothes, stood up with his thumbs in his pockets and fixed condescending eyes on my husband. With a haughty and patronizing voice he proceeds to ramble and than asks why "any man in his right mind would knowingly take this beautiful woman and these helpless little girls to live in a dangerous environment."
I bit my lip. I held my breath. Not because I was afraid my man would say, "You know you're right. What was I thinking? We'll stay home now." I was personally slightly ticked off and waiting for my husband to put this man in his place.
There was a few long seconds of silence then Josh said in a clear determined voice, "If YOU ever hear the Call of God on your life and feel the peace of being in His Perfect Will than you'll understand."
The man sat down and my heart burst with pride for my husband. He couldn't have stated it better if he'd prepared for a week!
Are you in God's perfect will? There's no safer place on the planet.
Nothing like getting chill bumps when you read God's plans! Each one of us are unique and are fulfilling His plan in many different ways. It is all in the eye of the beholder. Thank you for sharing your faith!
Amen!! There is no safer place to be than right where God wants you to be!
beautiful post... your family is so blessed to have this type of faith. i struggle in handing myself over to Him alot of the time. but, then there are those small, quiet moments when i think i'm right where i'm supposed to be.
Your husband and his sweet family are such a blessing and an instrument in God's hand. I like his gentle yet powerful answer.
So true!
I AM!!!!
Praise God!
Check out my post from today...it says this same thing...almost...
Beautifully said.
Whoa, that gave me goose bumps! What a beautiful family. You are so inspiring!
AMEN. God knows. What an awsome God we serve.
Very well said. We faced the same questions as we were preparing to go to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
I greatly enjoy reading your blog and hearing your stories of real life on the mission field.
Beautiful answer, beautiful picture!
I'll never forget when I told my dad that God was calling me to the man who is now my husband, knowing the Lord had called him to Australia's Outback. I asked my dad what he thought, he replied, "Jenny (only a name he gets away with calling me!), I would rather you in the middle of Australia's Outback in God's will, then living next door out of God's will." Love my dad and his support!
Your family photo is beautiful! I 100% agree with your post - "Safety is of the LORD", and we know we can trust Him wherever He takes us!!
Love from Mexico,
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